Return to the Classixx - 29.10.2011 - MTW - Offenbach

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Front Line AssemblyInfra Red CombatData
Front 242Until Death - Us Do PartData
Nitzer EbbWarsaw GhettoData
Skinny PuppySmothered HopeData
X Marks The PedwalkSolitudeData
Armageddon DildosEast WestMSTH
U-TekDas Mass der DingeMSTH
Die KruppsWahre Arbeit Wahrer LohnMSTH
Nitzer EbbJoin In The ChantMSTH
LaibachTanz den LaibachMSTH
Skinny PuppyTestureMSTH
Skinny PuppyVyrisusMSTHNeu
Leaether StripAdrenaline RushVegger VersionData
The KlinikMoving HandsData
DAFAls Wärs Das Letzte MalData
PankowKunst Und WahnsinnData
The Invincible SpiritPush!Data
MCOTMWork Is ViolenceData
And One Second VoiceData
Nitzer EbbControl I'm HereData
Front Line AssemblyGunMSTHWunsch
Apoptygma BerzerkNon Stop ViolenceMSTH
Age of LoveAge of LoveMSTH
Liaisons DangerousLos Ninios del ParqueMSTH
Umo DeticCarpe DiemMSTH
Force LegatoSystem V.1.0MSTH
Oomph!Der Neue GottData
Front 242HeadhunterData
Nitzer EbbI Give To You DataWunsch
X Marks The PedwalkAbattoirExtendedData
Bigod 20Like A PrayerDataWunsch
Pouppee FabrikkPhotographicData
DAFDer MussoliniData
OffBe My DreamMSTH
Front Line AssemblyPlasticityMSTHWunsch
Tommi StumpfMassakershortMSTH
X Marks The PedwalkMirthless Knick KnackMSTH
Skinny PuppyInqusitionsingle editMSTH
Calva Y NadaRaschelnMSTH
Dementia CimplexCinderchildMSTH
Ideas For ImitatorsDer KomturData
The Mysterious ArtDas OmenData
KLFLast Train To TrancentralData


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